You must abide by the following rules to be a part of our community:
- Be nice. Don't be mean, insulting or discriminatory to anyone.
- Respect others' views. We're all learning, and we all come from different cultures and backgrounds.
- Mind your language! This forum is family friendly, and we take it seriously.
- Stay on-topic, and post to the appropriate category. All non-Nysko discussion belongs in Introductions & General. All rules listed here still apply in off-topic discussions.
- No advertising, and no posting dodgy links. Though mentions are ok if they're on-topic.
- No politics. This forum is not the place for it.
- Bumping posts is allowed after 48 hours, but please try to avoid excessive use of this.
- Don't take matters into your own hands. If you see someone potentially breaking the rules, @mention one of the moderators (i.e. @Venima) and we'll handle it. You are allowed to mention more than one of us, but please don't spam.
You may reply below if you have a question about the rules.